Saturday, February 25, 2012

Gold Cake for the DDBC

I was privileged to make this Gold Cake for the Deli Dairy Bakery Council. It was in honor of a gentleman named Mickey Gold, hence the gold cake. It was a hit! I will also make an appearance in the DDBC newsletter.

Louis Vuitton

This was my husbands favorite cake. This Louis Vuitton cake was for a co-workers mother. It was her 55th birthday and she loved her cake!

CARS cake

This was a cake I did for a co-workers sons 2nd birthday. She is quickly becoming a loyal customer. :)

Whoooooos Birthday

This was a cute owl themed birthday party cake. The birthday girl and the mom were really sweet.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Cake Pop-o-mania

Here are some cake pops

Dodger Baseball

Now I know you guys all know that I am an Angels fan but when it comes to cake I have to put that aside hehe. Here's a Dodger cake for one of my most loyal customers.

Argh!! Ahoy pirates!

This is the pirate cake I did for my best friends son's 2nd birthday.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pink cakes

Here are some of the pink cakes.

Lost but not Forgotten

Hi guys! Ok so I know it's been too long! But there has been so much going on in the past year. Not only have the cakes been good but I also got married! So I will start posting the pics of everything hope you ejoy.